January 2025
Audubon Nature Garden Volunteers
Thank you to all the hardworking Worker Bees who came to help in the Audubon Garden this month. What a crew! We had returning Bees and several brand new Bees, too. We made great progress and are very grateful to all those weeders, transplanters and pruners. See you next month!
Celia Montgomery

January 6, 2025
Worker Bee Volunteers
December 2024
Audubon Nature Garden Volunteers
Thanks to the efforts of our Worker Bees and ParTee Girls, the Audubon Garden continues on its way to post-hurricane recovery.
Our December 9th Worker Bees session included Diane and Michael Spence, Linda Renna, Rose and Ron Virgin, Lyn Groves, Diane Barton, and Stan Rudd. They dug in with gusto and pruned, trimmed and weeded their way through the morning.
The Par-Tee Girls showed en force on the 12th, arriving like so many beautiful butterflies, one after another, and set to work weeding and watering and tidying the garden.
We are deeply grateful to all of those helping hands!
Our next Worker Bees session will be held on February 10th from 9:00 to 11:00. Please come join us in the Garden for a morning of beautification and friendship!
Celia Montgomery

December 12, 2024
Par-tee Girls
November 11, 2024
Nature Garden Worker Bee Volunteers
Hurricane Milton wreaked havoc in the Nature Garden, uprooting trees and leaving the garden flooded and under water for days. Many plants couldn’t survive being submerged for so long, and when things finally dried up, we had our work cut out for us. Thankfully, Worker Bees and Par-Tee girls came to the rescue. Worker Bees toiled through the morning on Monday, the 11th, followed by the Par-Tees on Thursday, the 14th. The Garden is on its way back! A big thank you to all who were able to pitch in.
Our next Worker Bee will be held on Monday morning, January 6th from 9:00 - 11:00. We hope to see you there!

November 11, 2024
Worker Bees in Action

November 14, 2024
Par-tee Girls & Friends in Action

The Par-tee girls along with GHA leaders Chris Thurlow and Deb Fletcher volunteered over the summer and are continuing to help to beautify the GH Audubon Gardens every month in memory of Debbie Lindsey
June 2024
Special thanks to Lyn Groves and Deb Fletcher along with two golf maintenance crew (Albert & Derrick) for their hard work and dedication in cleaning up the below pictured overgrown bed this summer. They just happened to obtain help from Albert and Derrick, it must be their charm! Not sure how they could have cleaned out ALL those Brazilian Pepper Trees without them - they had a chain saw and they needed it! Below are the photos - one before and two after. That beautiful bed of Lillies is fully exposed! Plus identified two Native trees! Still more weeds in there but they removed a ton.

March 11, 2024
Nature Gardens Spring Planting Party Volunteers in Action
The Worker Bee Spring Planting Party was widely attended with 27 volunteers weeding, planting, and mulching. Plants were be set out throughout the pollinator/butterfly gardens. There club provided a table set up with a pastry tray along with hand wipes, plates and napkins.

February 12, 2024
Nature Gardens Worker Bee
Volunteers in Action

Pam and Greg Geerdes
Chris Thurlow
Celia Montgomery
Marsha Zanger
Linda Renna
Sam Rudd
Rose and Ron Virgin
Edel Livermore
Lilla Hebert
Kathy Philips
Al Alley
Maryann Pope (not pictured)
February 12th we enjoying beautiful weather and productive Worker Bee gathering. Six new volunteers helped prepare the garden for our next planting. Dedicated volunteer Celia Montgomery helped on her birthday. We were happy to release 5 butterflies.