Grand Harbor Audubon Projects

Nature Gardens
The Nature Gardens are composed of 2 gardens, the Butterfly Garden and the Native Plant Garden. They are located by the Clubhouse lake next to the lake driving range. There is a nature trail and guides in the garden. Donations and volunteers will be needed to ensure success of this project and help maintain the garden. Next time you are in the gardens make sure you get a guide from our guide box!

Built by Brad Allin
Lake Beautification
Grand Harbor Audubon's (GHA) involvement with the lakes stems from a Property Management Committee that was formed following the 2004-2005 hurricanes. The Lake Beautification's goal was to restore the lakes damaged by storms with bank and aquatic plantings so they could provide shelter, nesting and a food resource for birds and other wildlife.
In 2007 GHA took over the Lake Beautification project with generous support from the developer, Chris Cleary. Chris has donated the various rock additions to the lake and GHA has provided the lake and bank aquatic plantings. Some examples of lakes beautified and improved include the road side in front of Newport, the Clubhouse lake and the lake at the end of River 17 in front of Victoria Island. This is an ongoing project and volunteers are always appreciated!!